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Wrapped in Awhi
The support of whānau and a focus on te ao Māori have created strong foundations for Tasmyn Roach’s Awhi Company, which offers beautiful wraps and blankets adorned with traditional Māori motifs.

Let’s Talk About Sex
Pāpāmoa’s Sarah Bunker is on a mission to help women in long-term relationships get excited about their sex lives again. Here’s her story.

Honouring the Past
Matakana Island-based artists Shona Tāwhiao and partner Paora Tiatoa have vastly different art practices, but both draw from Māori traditions of the past to create very modern works.

The Little Big Markets
TLBM is a thriving community hub on a Saturday. This issue we meet a diverse range of local stallholders with an array of talents, from creating vegan food and wellness tonics to sourcing crystals and healing tools.