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Want to buy original art for your whare but don’t know where to start? This beginner’s guide is all about how to find out what you like, where you can look and who can help you.

TLBM is a thriving community hub on a Saturday. This issue we meet a diverse range of local stallholders with an array of talents, from sourcing artisanal homewares and jewellery to whipping up excellent street food.

Adrienne Pitts, a talented local art director and photographer, has launched ALP Ceramics with her first collection, Concrete Skies.

Holly has comforting dishes on her mind as we head into the wintry months: golden gnocchi, warm spiced apples cakes and nut-studded cookies.

We ask Bay of Plenty’s chefs, hospo gurus and food lovers where they love to eat when they aren’t at their own venues, and the Our Place team throw in their faves too.